Expand description

Key Derivation

💡 This is a hacspec representation of the HPKE RFC. The text is mostly verbatim from the RFC with changes where required. It demonstrates the possibilities of hacspec for specifications.

A Key Derivation Function (KDF):

  • Extract(salt, ikm): Extract a pseudorandom key of fixed length Nh bytes from input keying material ikm and an optional byte string salt.
  • Expand(prk, info, L): Expand a pseudorandom key prk using optional string info into L bytes of output keying material.
  • Nh: The output size of the Extract() function in bytes.

HKDF is the only specified KDF and an external dependency: [hacspec-hkdf].

Labeled HKDF

The following two functions are defined to facilitate domain separation of KDF calls as well as context binding:

def LabeledExtract(salt, label, ikm):
  labeled_ikm = concat("HPKE-v1", suite_id, label, ikm)
  return Extract(salt, labeled_ikm)

def LabeledExpand(prk, label, info, L):
  labeled_info = concat(I2OSP(L, 2), "HPKE-v1", suite_id,
                        label, info)
  return Expand(prk, labeled_info, L)

The value of suite_id depends on where the KDF is used; it is assumed implicit from the implementation and not passed as a parameter. If used inside a KEM algorithm, suite_id MUST start with “KEM” and identify this KEM algorithm; if used in the remainder of HPKE, it MUST start with “HPKE” and identify the entire ciphersuite in use.

Security Requirements on a KDF

The choice of the KDF for HPKE SHOULD be made based on the security level provided by the KEM and, if applicable, by the PSK. The KDF SHOULD at least have the security level of the KEM and SHOULD at least have the security level provided by the PSK.

Domain Separation

HPKE allows combining a DHKEM variant DHKEM(Group, KDF') and a KDF such that both KDFs are instantiated by the same KDF. By design, the calls to Extract() and Expand() inside DHKEM and the remainder of HPKE use separate input domains. This justifies modeling them as independent functions even if instantiated by the same KDF. This domain separation between DHKEM and the remainder of HPKE is achieved by the suite_id values in LabeledExtract() and LabeledExpand(): The values used (KEM... in DHKEM and HPKE... in the remainder of HPKE) are prefix-free (a set is prefix-free if no element is a prefix of another within the set).

Future KEM instantiations MUST ensure, should Extract() and Expand() be used internally, that they can be modeled as functions independent from the invocations of Extract() and Expand() in the remainder of HPKE. One way to ensure this is by using LabeledExtract() and LabeledExpand() with a suite_id as defined in {{base-crypto}}, which will ensure input domain separation as outlined above. Particular attention needs to be paid if the KEM directly invokes functions that are used internally in HPKE’s Extract() or Expand(), such as Hash() and HMAC() in the case of HKDF. It MUST be ensured that inputs to these invocations cannot collide with inputs to the internal invocations of these functions inside Extract() or Expand(). In HPKE’s KeySchedule() this is avoided by using Extract() instead of Hash() on the arbitrary-length inputs info and psk_id.

The string literal “HPKE-v1” used in LabeledExtract() and LabeledExpand() ensures that any secrets derived in HPKE are bound to the scheme’s name and version, even when possibly derived from the same Diffie-Hellman or KEM shared secret as in another scheme or version.

Input Length Restrictions

This document defines LabeledExtract() and LabeledExpand() based on the KDFs listed above. These functions add prefixes to their respective inputs ikm and info before calling the KDF’s Extract() and Expand() functions. This leads to a reduction of the maximum input length that is available for the inputs psk, psk_id, info, exporter_context, ikm, i.e., the variable-length parameters provided by HPKE applications. The following table lists the maximum allowed lengths of these fields for the KDFs defined in this document, as inclusive bounds in bytes:

psk2^{61} - 882^{125} - 1522^{125} - 152
psk_id2^{61} - 932^{125} - 1572^{125} - 157
info2^{61} - 912^{125} - 1552^{125} - 155
exporter_context2^{61} - 1202^{125} - 2002^{125} - 216
ikm (DeriveKeyPair)2^{61} - 842^{125} - 1482^{125} - 148

This shows that the limits are only marginally smaller than the maximum input length of the underlying hash function; these limits are large and unlikely to be reached in practical applications. Future specifications which define new KDFs MUST specify bounds for these variable-length parameters.

The RECOMMENDED limit for these values is 64 bytes. This would enable interoperability with implementations that statically allocate memory for these inputs to avoid memory allocations.

The values for psk, psk_id, info, and ikm which are inputs to LabeledExtract() were computed with the following expression:

max_size_hash_input - Nb - size_version_label -
    size_suite_id - size_input_label

The value for exporter_context which is an input to LabeledExpand() was computed with the following expression:

max_size_hash_input - Nb - Nh - size_version_label -
    size_suite_id - size_input_label - 2 - 1

In these equations, max_size_hash_input is the maximum input length of the underlying hash function in bytes, Nb is the block size of the underlying hash function in bytes, size_version_label is the size of “HPKE-v1” in bytes and equals 7, size_suite_id is the size of the suite_id in bytes and equals 5 for DHKEM (relevant for ikm) and 10 for the remainder of HPKE (relevant for psk, psk_id, info, exporter_context), and size_input_label is the size in bytes of the label used as parameter to LabeledExtract() or LabeledExpand(), the maximum of which is 13 across all labels in this document.


Key Derivation Functions (KDFs)


KDF: Labeled Expand


The output size of the Extract() function in bytes.

Get the numeric value of the kdf_id.

Type Definitions