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//! # Setup
use hacspec_lib::Randomness;
use libcrux::hpke::{
kem::{GenerateKeyPair, Nsk},
use oprf::coprf::{
coprf_setup::{BlindingPublicKey, CoPRFEvaluatorContext, CoPRFReceiverContext},
use p256::P256Point;
use crate::{
data_types::{BlindedPseudonymizedHandle, FinalizedPseudonym},
pub struct ConverterContext {
pub(crate) coprf_context: CoPRFEvaluatorContext,
/// A data store's private decryption key.
pub struct StoreDecryptionKey(pub(crate) Vec<u8>);
/// A data store's public encryption key.
pub struct StoreEncryptionKey(pub(crate) Vec<u8>);
pub struct StoreContext {
coprf_receiver_context: CoPRFReceiverContext,
pub(crate) dk: StoreDecryptionKey,
ek: StoreEncryptionKey,
k_prp: [u8; 32],
pub type LakeContext = StoreContext;
pub type ProcessorContext = StoreContext;
impl ConverterContext {
/// ## Converter Setup
/// On setup the converter initializes a coPRF evaluator context.
/// ``` text
/// Inputs:
/// msk: Nmsk uniformly random bytes
/// Output:
/// coprf_evaluator_context: coPRFEvaluatorContext
/// fn setup_converter_context(msk) -> ConverterContext:
/// return coPRFEvaluatorContext::new(msk)
/// ```
pub fn setup(randomness: &mut Randomness) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(ConverterContext {
coprf_context: CoPRFEvaluatorContext::new(randomness)?,
impl StoreContext {
/// ## Data Store Setup
/// On setup, a data store initializes a coPRFReceiverContext, derives a
/// pair of encryption and decryption keys for the RPKE as well as a
/// private PRP key.
/// ``` text
/// Inputs:
/// randomness: (NcoPRFReceiver + NRPKEKeyGen + NPRP) uniformly random bytes
/// Outputs:
/// coprf_receiver_context: CoPRFReceiverContext
/// ek: RPKE.EncryptionKey
/// dk: RPKE.DecryptionKey
/// k_prp: PRP.PRPKey
/// fn setup(randomness) -> StoreContext:
/// let coprf_receiver_context =
/// CoPRFReceiverContext::new(randomness[NcoPRFReceiver]);
/// let (ek, dk) = RPKE.generate_keys(randomness[NRPKEKeyGen]);
/// let k_prp = PRP.KeyGen(randomness[NPRP]);
/// StoreContext{
/// coprf_receiver_context,
/// ek,
/// dk,
/// k_prp
/// }
/// ```
pub fn setup(randomness: &mut Randomness) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let receiver_context = CoPRFReceiverContext::new(randomness);
let (dk, ek) = generate_store_keys(randomness)?;
let k_prp = randomness.bytes(32)?.try_into()?;
Ok(Self {
coprf_receiver_context: receiver_context,
/// Given a store context generated as above, the following methods are
/// available:
/// - Retrieve store public keys for encryption and coPRF blinding.
/// ``` text
/// Input:
/// context: StoreContext
/// Output:
/// ek: RPKE.EncryptionKey
/// bpk: CoPRF.BlindingPublicKey
/// fn public_keys(context):
/// let ek = context.ek;
/// let bpk = context.coprf_receiver_context.public_key()
/// return (ek, bpk);
/// ```
pub fn public_keys(&self) -> (StoreEncryptionKey, BlindingPublicKey) {
(self.ek.clone(), self.coprf_receiver_context.get_bpk())
/// - Finalize Pseudonym: As part of the finalization of a split or join
/// conversion the raw pseudonyms that are the unblinded result of coPRF
/// evaluation are further hardened by application of a PRP.
/// ``` text
/// Input:
/// context: StoreContext
/// blind_pseudonym: CoPRFBlindOutput
/// Output:
/// pseudonym: Pseudonym
/// fn finalize_pseudonym(context, blind_pseudonym):
/// let raw_pseudonym =
/// context.coprf_receiver_context.finalize(blind_pseudonym);
/// return PRP.eval(context.k_prp, raw_pseudonym)
/// ```
pub fn finalize_pseudonym(
blind_pseudonym: BlindedPseudonymizedHandle,
) -> Result<FinalizedPseudonym, Error> {
let raw_pseudonym =
coprf_online::finalize(&self.coprf_receiver_context, blind_pseudonym.0)?;
/// - Recover Raw Pseudonym: In preparation of a join conversion, the raw
/// pseudonyms, i.e. coPRF outputs must be recovered from the hardened
/// pseudonyms before they can be sent to the converter for blind
/// conversion.
/// ``` text
/// Inputs:
/// context: StoreContext
/// pseudonym: Pseudonym
/// Output:
/// raw_pseudonym: CoPRFOutput
/// fn recover_raw_pseudonym(context, pseudonym):
/// return PRP.invert(context.k_prp, pseudonym)
/// ```
pub fn recover_raw_pseudonym(&self, pseudonym: FinalizedPseudonym) -> Result<P256Point, Error> {
P256Point::from_raw_bytes(prp::prp(pseudonym.0, &self.k_prp)).map_err(|e| e.into())
fn generate_store_keys(
randomness: &mut Randomness,
) -> Result<(StoreDecryptionKey, StoreEncryptionKey), Error> {
let HPKEConfig(_, kem, _, _) = crate::HPKE_CONF;
let (hpke_sk, hpke_pk) = GenerateKeyPair(kem, randomness.bytes(Nsk(kem)).unwrap().to_vec())?;
Ok((StoreDecryptionKey(hpke_sk), StoreEncryptionKey(hpke_pk)))